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Our Top 5 Carpet Cleaning Tips

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Want to extend the quality and life of your carpets?

We have complied our top 5 simple carpet cleaning tips to help you keep your carpets cleaner for longer.

1. Vacuum Regularly

We know it's an obvious one, but vacuuming regularly with a powerful cleaner helps prevent dirt from trampling into the back of the carpet where it will wear away the fibres.

2. Get a New Doormat

A good doormat will help prevent the dirt from trampling in, in the the first place. Ideally tou need a coir one outside and an absorbent cotton one inside. Don't forget to clean them both every week.

3. Clean Up Spills Properly

The trick is to soak as much of the stain out of the carpet as possible. Use a thick, folded, dry towel, place it on top of the stain and stand on it for 10 seconds. Rotate the towel and repeat 3 times. Dampen the stain with warm water and repeat the above with a clean towel. If its a stubborn stain you need to remove why not use our FREE famous spot remover?

4. Remove Dust Mites

Dust Mites produce waste which causes allergies and they love beds. Vacuum your mattress every time you change your bedding and if you're able to, use a dry steamer to help kill the mites themselves.

5. Call The Experts

If you think its time for a thorough clean don't forget to call the experts.

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Unit 2, 28 Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Glasgow G52 4NQ